Spinning Dreams

“You can’t use up creativity. The more you use, the more you have.”

~Maya Angelou

I haven’t shared much of my craft work lately. This is a dreamcatcher I had made a while ago from some yarn I found, along with random bits and pieces of decorative items lying around the house.

Dreamcatchers are crafts of the Native Americans (Ojibwa people), to be hung on a cradle, or bedroom window or door. They consist of hoops on which webs are woven, mostly made from twigs, feathers, and other objects from nature. The traditional belief being, good dreams descend from the feathers and find their way to the dreamer. Bad dreams get trapped in the web, and evaporate like morning dew on sunrise.

These are synthetic feathers and plastic beads used with the glittery yarn, wound around a metal hoop. Traditionally, however, dreamcatchers are created from objects found in nature.

feb 2017 (5)

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